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Re: MR: Some general points of technique
Posted By: knivetsil, on host
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 11:01:06
In Reply To: Re: MR: Some general points of technique posted by ChrisA on Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 17:38:57:

> > Also true. Druids learn spells significantly more slowly. If you have a sorcerer who's learned all of his/her spells, I'd retrain to a wizard instead. They can use much more equipment, and learn their spells faster. It is true that druids gain more SP, but I don't think that's quite enough to outweigh the fact that they're so hard to equip and that they learn spells so slowly. Besides, later on, you'll have arbitrarily high amounts of SP anyway, whether you have a wizard of a druid. And another point: Druids also gain AC and have natural body healing, but those are so slow to accumulate that it's barely even worth taking into account, in my opinion.
> What about retrain wizards as sorcerers and vice versa, then let them learn all the other set of spells, then retrain them all as assassins? Probably far more effective.
That would also work. In fact, it is by far the easiest way to go about a one-character game. However, if you have a six-character party, assassins in the back would not help much, and I'd rather have my casters gain SP normally rather than 1 or 2 per level, as they would if they were retrained to a non-spellcasting class. Of course, this is all assuming that the characters in question are in the back three positions (as they should have beenm if they were casters originally). If not, then by all means, retrain to assassin.


> ChrisA

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