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famous NH trip 2002
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 08:26:33

For those who don't know, I'm on vacation now and I came to New Hampshire to visit Sam, Leen and Jaguar. Let's just say, I had quite a trip here.

I worked a half-day at work, from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and took off from there (Southeast Ohio).

11:06 am - Take off from work. Mileage: 4417 miles.

12:49 pm - Stop for Gas and a 1-liter Mountain Dew, and a bathroom break. 5.705 gallons of gas. Mileage: 4524 miles.

2:30 pm - Still in Ohio and already bored. So, I called Leen. She told me about her vacuum being broken. hehe. And I told her I was currently going through Lodi, Ohio (which I didn't know existed), and asked her to tell Ellmyruh that. hehe.

4:15 pm - Mom calls and yells at me for not eating anything. I had eaten some chips with my Mountain Dew, but this was not acceptable to her.

4:25 pm - Stop for food at BurgerKing. Got gas, and had another bathroom break. 6.675 gallons of gas. Mileage: 4765

4:30 pm - The cheese incident. Ugh. I got a BK fish sandwich and didn't open it until I was on the road, because... well, I'm dumb. I had cruise control on, was steering with my left knee and holding the sandwich in my left hand. With my right hand I unwrapped it and discovered that they put cheese on the sandwhich. Eww. So, I had to drive like that for a while peeling the cheese off the sandwich. After I got as much as possible off of it, I threw the wrapper away. Then as I was eating, a piece of cheese fell on the floor!! I spent the next 5 minutes trying to get it, but I couldn't reach. So I unfolded my sunglasses and stabbed the cheese with the earpiece. I got it! Whew.

4:45 pm - Call mom and yell at her because now that I've eaten I'm TIRED. Next time I'll remember to snack only.

5:00 pm - Get into NY (I-90) and get to the first TOLL BOOTH. Just had to take a ticket at this one.

6:00 pm - Second toll booth. Pulled up to it and handed the lady the ticket and said, "I'm not sure how to read these things." (In my thickest hick accent. Hehe.) And in the best Canadian-New York accent I've ever heard she said, "2.10".

6:05 pm - Come to another Toll Booth and take a ticket

7:30 pm - It's pitch black now, and I'm way tired. I hate I-90.

7:53 pm - Pull off the road and have another toll booth. This time, $3.60. Stop for gas and a Snickers bar. FORGET TO GO TO THE BATHROOM. 6.280 gallons of gas. Mileage: 4977

8:00 pm - Leave that station, get another ticket. I really hate I-90.

10:08 pm - Finally make it off of I-90 with another toll booth ($4.85).

10:30 pm - Umm.. am I lost?? I'm on a state route, which the map says I should be on, and it's weird. I'm going through cities. So, I called Sam and Leen and they assured me that it was ok.

11:00 pm - Cross from NY into Vermont. Think I'm so close at this point. Boy was I wrong.

11:05 - 11:35 pm - Spend this period of time totally freaking out. The roads are very windy and newly paved with no lines. All that runs through my mind are scenes from Deliverance, Blair Witch, and Signs. I'm going to die here, I just know it. I loved I-90.

11:40 pm - Stop for gas at some little wasteland-like station in the middle of nowhere. Don't write anything down because I'm scared out of my mind and want to get out of there as soon as possible. Also.. don't go the bathroom.

12:00 pm - Jaguar calls to see if I'm still awake. I am. He gets cut off.. stupid cell phone.

12:05 am - My sister calls to see if I'm still awake. I am. She gets cut off.... stupid cell phone.

12:07 am - My sister calls back. We chat, and she goes to bed. Lucky.

12:15 am - Jaguar calls back. He gets cut off again. I hate my cell phone.

12:30 am - Jaguar calls back again. I take a wrong road while I'm on the phone with him. Thankfully he can guide me back to the road I think I'm supposed to be on.

12:45 am - I call Sam because now I'm not so sure this new road is right. It is, and he stays on the phone with me until I am a-ok.

1:45 am - I call Sam and see if I'm still on the right path. He assures me I am, and that it will probably be another hour until I'm done.

2:30 am - I call Sam and tell him I'm in the driveway. And I finally went to the bathroom. Whew.


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