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Re: Things I wish I could do...
Posted By: uselessness, on host
Date: Sunday, August 25, 2002, at 13:45:10
In Reply To: Things I wish I could do... posted by Christopher on Sunday, August 25, 2002, at 11:17:12:

> 5) Banish Anne Robinson to a far away island, from where she will never be able to escape. But I'm sure I'm not the only person who wishes to do this.

I think a special "Game Show Hosts" edition of Survivor would be very, very cool. Take Ms. Robinson, Alex Trebeck, Pat Sajack, Bob Barker, and the hosts of whatever other game shows are popular at the moment. I don't know, it's been a long time since I watched TV. Maybe Ben Stein, I think he has a show on Comedy Central or something.

Anyway, here are the 5 things I want to do:

1. Learn C++. I know HTML and JavaScript and CSS and PHP and other web stuff like that, but I would really like to know a serious programming language. You can bet I'd make some cool stuff. :-P

2. Tour Europe. And certain parts of Asia. And Oceania. And maybe Canada, and California. Basically, TRAVEL in general. I feel awfully cooped up after staying in Florida most of my life.

3. Learn obscure languages. Namely Japanese and some of the old languages that the Bible was written in, so I can study the ancient texts. I'm thinking Greek, Hebrew, Latin, maybe Aramaic if possible.

4. Get a job I'm happy with. This is far more important to me than getting a job that pays well. I can have all the money in the world, but if I'm miserable, what's the point?

5. Get involved in an intense and heated discussion/debate/argument/battle on a message forum like this one and WIN. I'm tired of always reaching an impasse with little achieved but boiling blood and angry people. Someday I want to astound people with my logic and stuff, and make them change their minds to agree with me. But we all know *that* will never happen. I can hear you laughing at me already.

-useless"That's my list, mostly boring, I'm sure"ness

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