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Is it nearly home time?
Posted By: Liz, on host
Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 05:42:13

Well folks, like Brunnen-G, I'm back. I didn't spill ginger ale on my lap top but I have been attempting to fit into the crazy life that is studentness...eating peach slices out of the tin...going to the 24 hour laundry at 1:00 in the morning (it sounded a good idea at the time but really, it was filled with creepy people who clearly live a nocturnal life. Plus, the warmth and repetitive droning made me soooo sleepy...or maybe it was because it was 1:30 by then...or maybe because I have been striving to finish this stupid essay so I can start on the next one. Which has to be in on Friday...and it has to be 3000 words long. Arrrrrggghhhhhhhhhh...I want to emigrate. I'm thinking Fiji.) Anyway, I am nearing the end of my first term at University and I have to say that it has been a highly enjoyable experience. I'm living with lovely people (which is fortunate) and I am eating well (in case this gets back to mother) and am making full use of the midnight bus back from town...yay for late night movie showings!!! Hurrah!!! I am really looking forward to going home for Christams and seeing my friends, particularly the one who's going to Nepal for 6 months in the New Year.

Anyway, I guess this is just an update for anyone makes a change from ranting about Marmite or the Sound of Music, which, if you do a search on my name, seems to be all the computer can remember me having said. I apologise if that IS all I rant about and will endeavour to find new things to converse about...
1.Peanut butter- for which I have recently rediscovered my liking..I am living with some Americans who made me judge a contest between Jif and Peter Pan.
2.Lord of the Rings- which looks amazing.
3.Harry Potter- which was OK...Dumbledore wasn't twinkly enough but Snape, Malfoy, Madame Hooch, Ron and Hermione were great.
4.The Ben and Jerry icecream bar at my local cinema....need I say more?

Thats enough for now Liz...shut up now...

Liz"eeeeeeee!!!It's nearly Christmas!!!"zie

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