Re: Is it nearly traffic cone time?
Philbee, on host
Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 13:31:30
Re: Is it nearly traffic cone time? posted by Faux Pas on Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 10:11:38:
> > Seeing this a Sign From Above, we redistributed the excess cones in a more pleasing pattern and then sat back to watch cars enter the Rotary of No Escape. > > This being the campus of Texas A&M, it only took drivers a few times around the traffic circle to realize that something was amiss. > > -Faux "beer may have been involved" Pas
Ahh, classic. That sounds like a great idea, but it would certainly sound like an even greater idea if it was travelling through a cloud of beer. I once had an idea about doing something like this (although, seeing as I was sober at the time, I didn't actually carry it out). A few years ago in the UK, standard cats-eyes on roads were being replaced with plastic studs that stuck on to the road rather than being sunk in. It was therefore my Excellent Idea to pull some of these up (or get a new stock) and guide them in a slightly different direction to that in which they should have been going: in a wavy line, for instance, or maybe in an ever-decreasing spiral, or even (here's the good bit) up someone else's driveway. No, even better: up someone's private road. Then you get a long queue of...ooh, let's say 30 cars...honking at each other, unable to reverse, and with guard dogs barking at them. Add an over-reactive farmer, and you have a mix which, although highly dangerous, would nevertheless be highly amusing.
Provided, of course, it happens to someone else.
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down an open sewer and die." - Mel Brooks