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Re: Taming a Wild Laptop
Posted By: Kysle, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2006, at 15:26:27
In Reply To: taming a wild laptop posted by Howard on Tuesday, November 21, 2006, at 12:07:20:

> How can I clean the soft screen on this laptop without destroying it?
I use eyeglass cleaner / microfiber (dust cloth / "screen cleaner" cloth. There are also a lot of products made specifically for cleaning LCDs but either a 50/50 mixture of isopropyl and water or maybe closer to a 2:1 (isopropyl to water) mixture do the job nicely.

> How can I get this thing to choose the default email? Bellsouth is clearly checked as the default, but when I send a message from a website, it puts it on Outlook Express and it goes nowhere.
Firefox: Depends on the e-mail client.

Basically the deal is that if you want to use Outlook Express, you're going to have to set it up first (that's why the e-mails don't go anywhere):

If you install a client of your choice, it will most likely either ask you, or automatically configure your browsers' settings to use it as the default client.

> Is there anyway to disable those three little pads below the keyboard? I have a mini mouse and don't use them, but sometimes I put my hand down there and make the 'puter do all kinds of strange things.
The mouse touchpad?
First check to see if there is a touchpad icon in your "Notification Area" (ie. tray - on your task bar) with either a picture of the touch pad, or the Alps control center thingy.

If there is:
Right click on the icon. Click 'Disable' if that's an option. If not double click on the icon and there *should* be an option do disable it in the popup dialogue. If there isn't, or you can't find it see below.

If not, the best way is to:
1. Hit Windows Key (the button with the windows flag) + the Pause/brake key.
2. Go to the Hardware tab
3. Click on the Device Manager button
4. Find the HID Devices and click on the little plus to expand the tree.
5. Find the Touchpad on the list and then Right-Click.
6. Select Disable on the right-click menu.

Note: You have to have Administrator priveleges to do this.

Have Fun!!

Kys"loves new computers!"le

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