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Re: Taming a Wild Laptop
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 22, 2006, at 08:56:12
In Reply To: Re: Taming a Wild Laptop posted by Kysle on Tuesday, November 21, 2006, at 15:26:27:

> > How can I clean the soft screen on this laptop without destroying it?
> >
> I use eyeglass cleaner / microfiber (dust cloth / "screen cleaner" cloth. There are also a lot of products made specifically for cleaning LCDs but either a 50/50 mixture of isopropyl and water or maybe closer to a 2:1 (isopropyl to water) mixture do the job nicely.
> > How can I get this thing to choose the default email? Bellsouth is clearly checked as the default, but when I send a message from a website, it puts it on Outlook Express and it goes nowhere.
> >
> IE:
> Firefox: Depends on the e-mail client.
> Basically the deal is that if you want to use Outlook Express, you're going to have to set it up first (that's why the e-mails don't go anywhere):
> If you install a client of your choice, it will most likely either ask you, or automatically configure your browsers' settings to use it as the default client.
> > Is there anyway to disable those three little pads below the keyboard? I have a mini mouse and don't use them, but sometimes I put my hand down there and make the 'puter do all kinds of strange things.
> >
> The mouse touchpad?
> First check to see if there is a touchpad icon in your "Notification Area" (ie. tray - on your task bar) with either a picture of the touch pad, or the Alps control center thingy.
> If there is:
> Right click on the icon. Click 'Disable' if that's an option. If not double click on the icon and there *should* be an option do disable it in the popup dialogue. If there isn't, or you can't find it see below.
> If not, the best way is to:
> 1. Hit Windows Key (the button with the windows flag) + the Pause/brake key.
> 2. Go to the Hardware tab
> 3. Click on the Device Manager button
> 4. Find the HID Devices and click on the little plus to expand the tree.
> 5. Find the Touchpad on the list and then Right-Click.
> 6. Select Disable on the right-click menu.
> Note: You have to have Administrator priveleges to do this.
> Have Fun!!
> Kys"loves new computers!"le

Thanks! I'm going to run a hard copy of your message and put it with my laptop. The way things are going to be going for the next few days, I might not get to it until about Monday.

New computers are nice and usually faster, but I seem to have to relearn everything. Rinkworks is my favorite tech support.
How"slow learner"ard

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