Re: McDonalds and plastic
Darien, on host
Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 14:03:09
Re: McDonalds and plastic posted by Stephen on Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 12:56:12:
> As for other fast food places, I really do think it varies on a store-by-store basis. I pay by debit or credit a lot, and I've seen some Jack-in-the-Boxes that do and some that don't. Ditto Taco Bell and Carl's Jr. I am, however, largely surprised if I ever go *anywhere* plastic is not accepted. Such places are increasingly few and far between.
That's kind of strange to hear, since I don't think I've *ever* seen a fast-food joint that accepts credit cards. I imagine it's a difference between life out there on the left coast and life over here on the New Left coast - California tends to be a bit quicker to modernise than stuffy old Maskachusetts. My favourite pizza parlour, in fact, carries a prominent notice on the cash register that says "cash only; no cheques or credit accepted."
I agree that it's more convenient to pay with a credit card - I tend not to carry cash in excess of two or three dollars onhand, and it kinda sucks to have to go to the bank every time I want to get a hamburger or somesuch.
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