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Re: My Third RU.
Posted By: Ria, on host
Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 18:29:35
In Reply To: My Third RU. posted by famous on Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 18:09:05:

> Ria/Amanda: Ok, when gremlinn and I arrived at the lobby hotel, we saw this mom and daughter sitting on the couch. We both kinda stared at the girl, and she stared back. But she looked like she was about to say, "what the heck are you staring at???"

See, that's the problem with my bangs. They kind of cover my eyebrows, making it look like I always stare rudely at everything. It's nice to fend of weirdos, though. ;)

> So, as not to be completely rude, we just turned around and started talking. Then grem suggested I call Stephen and that's when this girl overheard me and got up and came over. Turns out, it was Ria, but she wasn't sure we were with RinkWorks or not!

Actually, on first glance, I almost went "Sam and Leen?" Hehe. But then I actually LOOKED and I knew you were famy but I still wasn't sure who grem was until later. I'm such a ditz. But grem RULES even if I didn't recognize him right off the bat.

> Hehe. It was SO funny. That's my favorite first-time-meeting of this year's RU. Yay!

Even though we just kind of sat in silence for a long, long time, since my conversational skills are null? ;) Thanks, and you rule TOO.

> Sarya/Staci: I got to spend a lot of time with Staci this weekend which ruled, because she is totally cool. I have two favorite moments. Friday we went to this 50's diner for lunch and while there, the waitress introduced herself by throwing about 50 straws on our table. She threw them over Staci's head and her expression at that moment was priceless.

And then she said I was "boring" for choosing Dr. Pepper as a drink instead of some weird funky chocolate Coke or whatever. Bah.

> Oh, and the pennies thing... well, I think Marvin won that one, even if Sam didn't pick up all of them. He put them in the best places!

The BEST penny incident was when Marvin dropped a penny while we were walking behind Sam at Seaport Village, then when Sam didn't pick it up, Marvin did. At that moment, Sam WHIRLED around and put his hand out and Marvin, somewhat startled, dropped the penny into his hand. And Sam thanked him for picking the penny up for him. It was great. :)

> Lynette/Lynette: Lynette was the best when we went to see Signs. She was freaking out during the whole movie. And since I'd seen if before I got to enjoy the show she put on. Hehe.

I know exactly how Lynette feels because I was the same way when I first saw Signs.

> Otis/POLICE MAN -- Otis did not rule at anything except telling us that we were too loud, but I thought I'd include him in here for the purpose of not forgetting almost getting thrown out of the hotel. Heh.

What's my word?

> Anyway, the coolest thing was when Sam summonsed Ghost_of_Sam during the show-and-tell portion. How he managed that, I'll never know.

That was COOL and I couldn't take pictures of it fast enough. Oh well.

> Gary/EVERYONE: This is the owner.. or head-in-charge-guy of the National Comedy Theater that we went to see. Nothing was greater than seeing their interpretation of Sinbad and the Seven Seas. I can't begin to explain how much that RULED.

"In the name of all that is evil... fudge?"

"Oh, we just wanted to be tied to the wall with chicks all around us. Uh. Yeah."

"It's a special HAIRLESS ocelot! With glasses! ... and a red shirt!"

> Beasty/Andy: Beasty totally rocked the house with his mighty grilling skills.

His hotdogs were the best. And so was all the chocolate he brought.

Ri "will be finishing the picture captions, oh, sometime before I graduate" a

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