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My Third RU.
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 18:09:05

Sidebar: I've been writing this post since the day I returned from the RU, so some of the tenses might be wrong. Sorry for that. Also.. it's really long. I don't expect anyone to read the whole thing. Not so sorry about that.


Ok, so instead of the typical recap of all the events that went on, I thought I would just list each persons name and tell what I'll most remember about them, or what they did that was the funniest thing to me for this weekend. I did, for fun, keep this in (mostly) chronicalogical order. (and I'll be posting notes as needed in quotes)

(I arrived in Cali.. and gremlinn picked me up at the airport)

Ria/Amanda: Ok, when gremlinn and I arrived at the lobby hotel, we saw this mom and daughter sitting on the couch. We both kinda stared at the girl, and she stared back. But she looked like she was about to say, "what the heck are you staring at???" So, as not to be completely rude, we just turned around and started talking. Then grem suggested I call Stephen and that's when this girl overheard me and got up and came over. Turns out, it was Ria, but she wasn't sure we were with RinkWorks or not! Hehe. It was SO funny. That's my favorite first-time-meeting of this year's RU. Yay!

Sarya/Staci: I got to spend a lot of time with Staci this weekend which ruled, because she is totally cool. I have two favorite moments. Friday we went to this 50's diner for lunch and while there, the waitress introduced herself by throwing about 50 straws on our table. She threw them over Staci's head and her expression at that moment was priceless. Wish I could've gotten my camera out faster. My second favorite memory was being able to have some food at the Pam Pam (the hotel restaurant) while everyone else had gone out to dinner.

Marvin/Nathan: Marvin ruled, even though it was impossible to remember that his real name was Nathan. Hehe. The funniest thing was when Lynette and I dragged him into Tiffany's. He was a total pro. Didn't whine or anything. Oh, and the pennies thing... well, I think Marvin won that one, even if Sam didn't pick up all of them. He put them in the best places!

Lynette/Lynette: Lynette was the best when we went to see Signs. She was freaking out during the whole movie. And since I'd seen if before I got to enjoy the show she put on. Hehe. However, I think she broke all the fingers in my left hand when she grabbed it. Despite that, I never want to see another scary movie without her.

Mia/Stephanie: Mia, while losing points for hooking up with Stephen, gained points by buying leather pants! We were out and about and while Marvin, Lynette and I hung out at Tiffany's, little did we know that little Miss Mia was out trying on leather pants and actually buying them! At first I thought it was out of character.. then I remembered who she's dating. Duh! Hehe. Oh.. and it totally drove Stephen nuts that I kept calling her Mia. Which just made me do it more.

Ticia/Don/Rose: After the dinner at the Pam Pam, Ticia and Don came back to the hotel with Rose. And I got to hold TEH BABEH! She was so cute and I was impressed with the fact that they brought her to the RU, some people wouldn't do it. But that's why Ticia and Don RULE.

Otis/POLICE MAN -- Otis did not rule at anything except telling us that we were too loud, but I thought I'd include him in here for the purpose of not forgetting almost getting thrown out of the hotel. Heh.

Leen/Leen: On Friday night as we got to the room and were emptying out our suitcases and Leen gave me the keychains she had got for me at the caches she's been going to. I think that was ruling and sweet. I mean, Leen is the only person I know who would think to pick them up for me, even when I'm not there to ask for it. I got 4 keychains. The best one is PURPLE (so it will remind me of Leen) with a face on it that has the tongue sticking out. (totally me). Yay Leen!!!

Cynthia/Cynthia: I think the coolest thing Cynthia did was singing at the convention on Saturday. She has a very nice voice, which I didn't even know. The first song was funny and I hope to hear it again sometime, and the second song was very touching. I enjoyed it emensly.

Sosiqui/Andrea: My favorite memory of Sos, is that she read Darien's Death poem in a valley girl voice. It was very funny and well done. Of course that and the fact that she is totally obsessed with Monkeys. ;-)

Mousie/Heidi: Umm.. Mousie kissed me!!! Hehehe. On the cheek of course. It was while I was getting a picture with her, so I could put in the caption "faMOUSIE". Oh, and Mousie provided the ruling food with was topped by her purchase of Ginger Ale. Perfect.

gremlinn/Andrew: First of all, gremlinn ruled the world by picking me up at the airport and being the first new rinkie I met in California! But the even cooler thing was when he ate ahmoacah's brains! I mean.. even if I had been him and knew the joke pretty well, I still wouldn't have eaten that disgusting gray matter (She says it was Jello, but I just don't believe it). But he took more than his fair share worth and even ate it with a backscratcher. I'm sure other people's accounts of this incident will be better than mine, but boy did I find it funny.

Sam/Sam: Sam already rules for just getting 30 strangers together to have a blast in a hotel. (You should see people's reaction when I tell them that's what happened this weekend. ;-) Anyway, the coolest thing was when Sam summonsed Ghost_of_Sam during the show-and-tell portion. How he managed that, I'll never know.

Jaguar/Jake: Black Socks anyone? Jake ruled for teaching me a song in like 2 minutes.. even though I never did fully remember it. Hehe. And he was my partner in crime (well.. not really crime, but it sounded good) in checking out the Mr. Snuffleupagus trees. (That's un-trimmed Palm Trees for the ones who don't know.)

Stephen/Stephen: Yeah.. he was Stephen. I expected no less. The best time I had with him was when we were watching Sinbad. There is no one better to watch it with. I'm glad I opted for a backrow spot. His commentary was inspired genious. Of course, he then turned back to himself and SUCKED by not awarding me the prize for writing the best Rink Poem, even though I know mine WAY outruled those who did win. This is the poem:

I rink,
Therefore I don't stink
I don't wear pink
Unless it's a mink
Do we have a sink?
I need a drink.
I can blink
And I can wink
Dave's a dink
But Stephen's a fink.
My nose can wrink -- le
I need to tink -- le.
Does a kink in a link
Make it a clink?
I rink
Therefore I don't stink.

Now why didn't I win, STEPHEN?
(thanks to Jaguar for the help with the list of "ink" words)

Gary/EVERYONE: This is the owner.. or head-in-charge-guy of the National Comedy Theater that we went to see. Nothing was greater than seeing their interpretation of Sinbad and the Seven Seas. I can't begin to explain how much that RULED.

Faux Pas/Thomas: On Sunday, after a bit of tourist shopping (got another keychain), we were ready to head to the beach. But there were too many people and not enough cars, so Leen, Jake, and I headed out to Faux_Pas' hotel to get his car. What was sworn to us to be only a twenty minute walk turned into (as he said) walking the entire length of California. It was ruling though because I saw a part of the city I know I'll probably never see again.

Mrs. Pas/Tamara: Ok.. I try to play it off like Faux Pas was the cooler one of the two, to save his machoness.. but I really can't do it. Mrs. Pas RULES. She was all not happy when some of us (the coolest of the cool) got in the water, since she figured it was too cold and no one else would want to. But.. being the ruling person she is, she came right in... fully dressed and all. It ruled ruled ruled.

Gabe (Gabby)/Gabe: Perhaps the most ruling thing about Gabe is that I actually met him. Didn't think it was going to happen this year after seeing the list. But he was there. And he didn't fall over when Lynette hugged him. That's so not easily done. I think he must have some sort of super human powers or something.

Beasty/Andy: Beasty totally rocked the house with his mighty grilling skills. And he had that accent thing going for him too. Hehe. I really tried to help him out by packing the meat for the burgers, but I think I just made it take longer to cook. My bad. I'm not a chef.

Rivikah/Rebecah: Riv's cool thing is obviously the mobile she built for us, which took way less time this year than last. w00t! But even better was her soundtrack for Sunday. She brought a flute-like thing.. which probably likens to a recorder even more, and played us a medley of tunes. Even though she swears it's all made up, I'm betting she's been practicing a LOT, because it didn't sound made up. And it ruled as the backround music for the wrestling matches.

Matthew/Matthew/Maryam/Maryam: Make sure you're sitting down for this one. Matthew actually giggled. NO LIE! As I sit here today I can think of no funnier thing that hearing and seeing Matthew giggle. I think I will remember it until the day that I die. It simply ruled. Oh, and Maryam completely ruled for bringing herself to the RU. Scars and all from the accident. And she has the best hair in the world... even longer than Eric's.

Brunnen_G/Carrie: Carrie showed how macho-chic she is by doing two things.. first of all she climbed the tree. Well.. a lot of others did it too, but she sat on the seat in the tree.. which I think only Dave did. And he only did it after she did. But the coolest thing was when she totally killed Sam! Ok.. so maybe she only flipped him on his back, but that was most hilarious! I wish I had a video camera.

Morris/Eric/flyingcats/Sarah: HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR! Yeah.. even though most people will only comment on Eric's outrageous locks, they should not overlook Sarah's. She has long hair too.. of course it's not a BIG as Erics, but still LONG.. And they posed for a hair pick with me... which ruled as they are my inspiration for growing my hair out.

Dave/Dave: Umm.. Dave didn't let me be last picked for the rides. Hehe. This may not seem cool to everyone, but it meant I got to ride in a car with Dave, Brunnen_G, Sarya, and Beasty! It was wild with that amount of accents in the car. Anyway.. back to Dave. Yeah. He's DAVE.. and that's why he ruled. That and the fact that I rode in the soon to be dead car.

ahmoacah/Joann: Ok... BRAINS. That's why ahmoacah wins my award for best-show-and-tell-thing-of-the-year! That was beyond funny as I mentioned way earlier in this letter. I still wanna know what it was really made of. Jello my foot. Anyway, Joann was totally cool on the last evening of the RU. She came in our room and she, Leen, Jake and I had a ruling time together just talking. Which is the whole point of the RU. To get to know each other better.. in person.

Ellmyruh/Layla: Last, but not least by any means. Hehe. Elly ruled again this year by writing everything that happened down. And she more ruled because OUR BUTTS DID NOT TOUCH THIS YEAR! Yay! And the highlight was seeing her put on the Groucho Marx glasses. The pictures don't even top how funny it was to be there and witness it!

Ah.. that's it. I'm DONE. And never doing it again. If you read it all then 10 points to you!


Oh.. and if you need the link for my pics, let me know.

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