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Murkon's Refuge: Characters
Posted By: sting, on host
Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2002, at 21:46:22

Hi! *waves madly* I'm new! Oh, and "sting" is not my name, in case you didn't guess that already. I'd talk about myself, because that's something I do a LOT ;) but I'm wasting time.


I was reading the posts called "Murkon's Refuge: Question about retraining characters" and I have one of my own. You guys are talking about high-level characters. I'm still on level 4. Right.

What's this about retraining as druids and assassins? I need some advice (please) on what to do with my characters. I've got:

3 knights - 1 female, 2 male (does this actually matter?)
1 rogue - female
1 wizard (male)

I was planning to retrain two of the knights and the rogue as assassins, and one knight and the wizard as druids. Is this necessarily a good thing? Or should I keep the wizard and retrain something else?

And... people seem to be using 6 characters. I have 5. Do I really need another one? A sorcerer? Only thing is, I started a game with a sorcerer and he died in about 2 seconds flat. So I abandoned that game, read the instructions, strategies, hints etc etc, and started again with a better knowledge of how the thing works. ;)

But, still confused.

Help would be appreciated! :)

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