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Re: Extreme weather conditions
Posted By: wintermute, on host
Date: Monday, November 4, 2002, at 22:27:50
In Reply To: Extreme weather conditions posted by Zarniwoop on Monday, October 28, 2002, at 14:32:12:

My worst weather was the storm of October '89 (I think it was '89, anyway. But you know the one I mean. It was the storm that the current one is the worst one since). Admittedly, it happened at night, and I slept through it, but once I fall asleep, I can sleep through anything. As I recall, though, the wind went over 100 mph.

I was 14 at the time, I think, and I woke up to a power cut. I thought my parents were playing a trick on me, because the weather in Croydon just doesn't get bad enough to take out power cables. I realised that it was real when I looked out the window and saw that our next door neighbour's garden shed was three gardens away from where it should be. Damage to out house was limited to a quarter of the slates missing from the roof. Trees were down all over the neighbourhood, and blocking most of the roads.

My parents insisted that I go to school, on the grounds that it was physically possible. About a half-dozen people were there, including teachers.

Not as extreme as many of the stories, I know. But there you go.

winter"I'm suprised I don't have any extreme weather stories from Norway, actually"mute

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