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Re: George W. and Me
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Sunday, November 3, 2002, at 14:10:57
In Reply To: George W. and Me posted by Sam on Friday, November 1, 2002, at 11:42:12:

Due to technical difficulties, I've had no contact
with the Internet for three days now, and I won't
really be around until after these insane
elections are over. But I had to say that it must
have been SO COOL to shake the president's
hand. I just looked through our system here at
work, and unfortunately, it looks like the
Associated Press somehow missed getting a
photo of Sam. (The local papers would be the
best bet, if they didn't already purge unused
photos from their systems.) But we did run a
story and photo from the event on page 23,
and it was kind of cool to see "Portsmouth,
N.H." in the cutline (aka 'caption') of the photo.
The story was a more general "Bush flew all
over the place, making a bunch of campaign
speeches" story, since he'd recently made
similar speeches in nine states.

I won't go into too much of a political rant,
because it's still REALLY, REALLY COOL that
Sam got to shake the president's hand, but I
am curious about one thing: Did my tax dollars
pay for Bush to campaign for John Sununu?

Ell"Secret Service agents should carry
oversized fluorescent orange Toys-R-Us

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