Cities and Choices
Balanthalus, on host
Saturday, October 26, 2002, at 11:08:50
So, I'm currently about to start applying to grad schools. I have a list of about 8 schools; I may end up applying to all of them, or I may bump a school or two off the list to prevent myself from going broke paying application fees. Anyway, I'm probably going to base my eventual decision more on the location then the school, since I'll be spending the next >= 3 years of my life there. I find that I can get some good information on cities from the 'net, but for the *really* important questions ("How late do the pizza places deliver," "What time is last call," and "Does the city, in fact, suck?") you have to ask someone who's lived there for at least a few months. To that end, I'm posting the list of possible cities to see what kinds of comments I'll get. (I'm leaving out DC since I've lived here for the past 4 years; I almost want to stay out of curiosity as to what life-threatening crisis we're due for *next* fall)
Boston, MA Ithaca, NY Urbana-Champaign, IL Austin, TX Seattle, WA Los Angeles, CA San Diego, CA
Thanks in advance for your insightful comments.
Bal"I've got feet in my head, I've got brains in my shoes . . . um, er. Yuck."anthalus