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Back to School Blues/Excitement?
Posted By: teach, on host
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2002, at 11:51:14

As those of you who don't know me have probably guessed, my profession is teaching.

Aside from Howard, I don't think there are any other current or retired teachers who post here. Therefore, you're a perfect demographic for a question I've long wondered about.

Every year, as August comes to a close, and the impending school year draws nearer, I feel a combination of panic and excitement. Panic, often, because it seems I haven't completed near the stuff I wanted to over the summer. Summer is the time most teachers I know work on curriculum, update certifications, and read all the books they meant to about current educational theory. (I like to squeeze in camping with my family and a theatre trip, too). I'd be lying, though, if I wasn't excited about going back. I love my job, and have a wonderful staff with whom I am privileged to work. I don't see any of these people over the summer, so September is like a lovely reunion every year. There's also the mandatory trip for school supplies. Sometimes I think my love of stationery stores is a large part of the reason I became a teacher! ;-)

I've spent every single August of my life since starting school this way. When I graduated from university, I was lucky enough to find a job right away, so I've never had a "year off." Even when I had my children, I always worked in Adult Education at night.

So, my question, is (students, you may not be able to answer this neutrally), is how do you feel about the end of summer? Are the bittersweet emotions I feel as the seasons change shared by everyone, or are they a product of my profession? My husband says he feels the same way as I do, but has little choice, living with a teacher and two students. I'd love to know how others feel.

te "bought WAY too many Post-It's already" ach

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