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Posted By: Rivikah, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2002, at 12:49:25

I will start my tale of adventure back in last year so this first bit is likely to be extremely dull and you'd probably be better off skipping it. For that matter you might be better off skipping this whole post since I am likely to present only the facts without humourous additions or exageration or really anything particularly humourous at all.

After last year's RinkUnion I thought "That was really really amazingly fun. Too bad there's no way I'll be able to go again next year"

When Sam picked the date and location he picked the best possible date but the worst possible location so I thought "Garg, now I'll have to sit around bored at home while everyone else goes off to RU. Why couldn't he pick the date in the middle of my exams?"

I looked up flight details and it wasn't too terribly horribly expensive. I thought "Maybe if I get a job for September I'll be able to afford it"

I got a job.
The price jumped sky high.
I compulsively checked all the online flight shopping places I could find every day.
Mousie suggested I fly into the wrong airport. I discovered that if I also flew out of the wrong airport it was only $328.06 CND a savings of almost $500 CND for a little bit more driving at the ends. I have cool parents. Mousie is cool too. I booked a ticket.

I spent a bunch of time coming up with an idea for a mobile that could be made with minimal supplies, in a decent amout of time, and be transported safely upon it's completion. This was tricky. I did painting.

I packed and ran around and was scared.
My mother said "You get to have an adventure. I wish I was going to have an adventure like that"
I said "You can't come with"

I got up at 6 am and was on the road by 7. I was driven an hour and a half to the airbus in London which took me to Detroit.

They gave us a hassle at the border. People traveling in personal vehicles rarely have any trouble but we all had to get out of the bus and tell them everything about our lives. I guess because we were traveling alone, all going to the airport, and the border officials need /something/ to do with their day.

The airport was boring. The plane was also boring.

Mousie was waiting when I arrived. She was easy to find and everything was explicable and non-scary.

We met up with Sam and Leen and Dave and Brunnen_G and Ellmyruh and went for food. They all kept trying to kill me by waiting to say funny things until just after I had put food in my mouth. It was past my bedtime.

We went to the hotel and had joyous meetings. We were informed that we would all be evicted if we didn't shut up. The security guard resembled the border guy who gave me a hard time. I went to bed. Others went to converse by the pool.

I woke up in the wrong time zone. I spent most of Saturday working on the mobile. Just so everyone knows here's what I did:

Starting some time ago I asked everyone to pick one of the RinkChat Smilies for themselves and also to vote on what smiley best fit each of the others attending. A lot of people declined to do all that work but there were enough who did that it worked. So everyone got two smilies. I had them painted in advance. For those who care here's the list

The first is their pick for themselves the second is the one that everyone else picked for them

Sam oops smile
Leen hsmile hsmile
Dave surp tongue
ahmoacah oops blush
Beasty shock wink
Brunnen_G smile devious
Cynthia halo halo
Ellmyruh oops surp
famous laugh laugh
Faux Pas htongue devious
flyingcats cat kiss
gremlinn devious devious
Jaguar laugh laugh
Lynette punchy blush
Marvin oops smile
Maryam anime anime
Matthew devious anime
Mia hot halo
Morris yawn punchy
Mousie mousie mousie
Ria cat smile
Rivikah tongue smile
Sarya punchy smile
Sosiqui halo anime
Stephen mad devious
Ticia smile smile

Whew. I hope no one actually read all that. I finished just before they put Sinbad in. They made me pose for pictures.

There was food where we tramatized the restaurant showing up in a group of 29 or so.
We went and saw comedy where they made Sinbad make at least as much sense as Sinbad makes anyway without ever having seen it.

Then we returned to the hotel and tried not very hard to not get kicked out. Lynette went swimming.

Sunday was a little chilly. I didn't wear enough clothes so I was some chilly at Seaport Village I went back with the bunch who were going back and got my sweater and stuff. This means that I lost track of my stuff whick was in Dave's car. Since he got kicked in the nose I didn't want to ask him to go get it for me. So instead of sitting around playing with wire and stuff I played my penny whistle. Everyone thought that was cool or something. There was some beach and water and stuff but I was too cold and my stuff was in Dave's car so I didn't go swimming. It drizzled. There was fighting. I'm sure pictures will be forthcoming.

Sunday we tried a little bit harder to not get kicked up.

Monday we left. I was riding back to the wrong Airport with Ellmyruh. I was there an hour and a half before my flight. I figured that would be pleanty of time but the Nothwest people in LA are insane and disorganised so I would have been late had my flight not been delayed by an extra half hour.

I got home at 3 am and slept until the time when I started writing this post.

Rivi"enough already"kah

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