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Re: a sting operation
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 18:09:18
In Reply To: Re: a sting operation posted by DarkNova on Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 11:56:12:

> Fear not. You won't even have to get close to an active wasp nest. Go check out the spray pesticides at your local garden store. Find some "wasp & hornet foam". It looks like a plain bug spray can, except it has a head like a shaving cream can. Plus, it will naturally be labeled "wasp & hornet foam". Find a can of it that boasts that it can "spray from up to 10 feet away" or something similar. Raid is generally the brand one should buy. Go find that trailer, stand from whatever distance you feel is safe, and cackle evilly as you COVER that sucker. Wait for the foam to evaporate off of the nest, and blast it again just for good measure (and because it's fun). Some wasps are really resilient, so repeat the last step if they're still pretty active. By now, if they were paper-wasps, the nest may be slightly dissolved. If it is, you may now take a hose to it if you wish. Otherwise, wait until the foam goes away, wait about 15 min. more, and get them with the foam some more. This will take care of any that weren't in the nest at first. Finally, when it seems same, destroy the nest and ***chuck it where the sun don't shine,*** LITERALLY, as in put it in a place where there will be no sun all day long (like the garbage) or more wasps WILL come and make a new nest on the remains of the old one.
> Problem solved, albeit a little foamily.
> Dark"We get PRACTICE at this kinda stuff in Texas"Nova

I don't suppose that stuff is good for the environment, but I have to admit that I've been thinking about using it. Not long ago, someone told me that wasps and hornets eat mosquitoes and I've looked at them a little more kindly ever since. Do you suppose that is true?

I have another pest problem. Shortly before lunch today, I was cleaning out the garage (never ending task) and found a black widow spider. It was rather small so it could have been a he. Then about 4 hours later, down in the shop, my son found another even smaller on on an orange Vespa. I moved that Vespa from the garage just a few days ago. It was bad enough having the pesky little varmits in the garage which isn't attached to the house. But the shop is attached and that's serious. Do they make a spider foam?

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