Murkon's Refuge: About level 15 Wizard spells
Joona I Palaste, on host
Monday, April 8, 2002, at 09:04:29
Well, my rescue operation is faring better now. Current status is 9 alive (6 at Perinn and 3 at Lyesis) and 3 dead at Lyesis.
My Human Wizard recently reached level 15. This gave him access to the MEDLEY and EPIDEMIC spells. MEDLEY more or less makes him an unstoppable killing machine on levels 1 through 4 (although probably not on level 5 and downwards), but it's the MEDLEY spell I'm having issues with.
Why does MEDLEY have to include illumination? Thing is, even though downloading the little "map" is pretty quick on my ADSL connection, Netscape 4 on RedHat Linux 6.2 renders it so slowly that each step I take in the game takes almost a whole second before I even get to *see* anything!
I would much rather adventure without the illumination. Is there any way to turn it off, other than entering a town and not casting MEDLEY again?
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