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Re: Totally stuck in Murkon's Refuge! May have to start a new par
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 10:26:13
In Reply To: Totally stuck in Murkon's Refuge! May have to start a new party! posted by Joona I Palaste on Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 06:44:43:

> What should I do?

Nasty situation. What you do is up to you. You *could* start a new party. The other alternative is to get them to Kaliti somehow. I know you've tried, and each time you try and fail, you get in more trouble, so you'll have to decide whether you'd rather do this or start again with a new party. Anyway, here are some ideas:

- Resurrect as many characters you can; drag the rest. Getting from Lyesis to level 6 is easy. Then all you have to do is get from the level 6 stairs to the level 6 elevator, and you're home free. Head westerly, then south, cut west as soon as you can, then turn north, and you should soon see the sign that marks the entrance to the corridor with the elevator. This route requires a minimum of two monster encounters and a maximum of four. Run from them unless they are easy. If you fail to run, try running again. If you run in the wrong direction, try again. Running with dead people is less successful than without, however, so:

- You might want to take people in groups. Take just one or two dead guys with you at first. This will make running successful more often. Then, when you get to Kaliti, resurrect them and go back for the others. If you do this, MAKE SURE the people in the first group have any and all keys that you need to get back.

- If you know TELEPORT, or have a Teleport Stone, invoke it when you get onto level 6. This will probably get you closer to the elevator rather than further away.

- If you want to sell any equipment to raise money, do it in Lyesis, not Kaliti. Lyesis' shop will get you more money.

Unfortunately, Kaliti's clinic isn't *that* much cheaper, so you might want to try to book it for Perinn *after* entering Kaliti and establishing that as the place you get zapped back to if you fail.

To get from Kaliti to Perinn, keep hitting the '4' button on the elevator until you get the minimum number of monsters en route from Kaliti to the Perinn elevator. You can't get less than two monsters in that 2x3 room, but you can keep it to just two, and there won't always be a monster in the little nook between doors just before it, either.

What characters are you picking to resurrect first? I recommend resurrecting a wizard first, as that character has healing spells, so you can heal up if monsters get some hits in before you are able to run away from them. Such a character can also cast FLOAT or LEVITATE. There are no traps en route from Lyesis to Kaliti, or from there to Perinn, but levitation diminishes the possibility that you'll be ambushed, and it increases the possibility that YOU will ambush the monsters. Remember that running is ALWAYS successful during the free round you get when you ambush monsters.

Good luck.

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