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Re: Kinna Weird, Kinna Cool
Posted By: MarkN, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 11:58:34
In Reply To: Re: Kinna Weird, Kinna Cool posted by Lirelyn on Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 10:39:00:

> Seriously, though, I would like to know why this (insert appropriate noun here) suggests that people are more likely to think of a red hammer. Because I would suspect that a hammer is most likely to be the first tool thought of by anyone who doesn't work with tools regularly, and red is a very obvious color. Was there really something about the numbers that was supposed to suggest those two words?

I think the goal of all that was to keep your mind busy with other things until the real question came. If you're concentrating on something else, and don't have time to think about it, the more obvious solution may be more likely to be the first one you spit out.


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