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Re: Kinna Weird, Kinna Cool
Posted By: Lirelyn, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 10:39:00
In Reply To: Re: Kinna Weird, Kinna Cool posted by Etienne on Tuesday, March 19, 2002, at 20:17:30:

> Scuse me if I get the psychology wrong.
> Wouldn't an hammer be many, many people's first idea of a tool? (Cause it's a common tool)
> Wouldn't be red often be the first color that comes to mind? (Cause it's many people's favorite color or something)
> Where was the statistical sample for this based? How big was it?
> Was it adjusted for possible cultural bias? (Especially if the math thing is an integral part of the test, I personnally believe that 15+6 = Vingt et un, most of you think it's twenty one...)
> 'tienne

This was my question. I did, in fact, think of 'hammer' and 'red' (though not a red hammer), which apparently makes me normal with respect to the rest of the world, and abnormal among Rinkies... 'scuse me while I go sackcloth-shopping.

Seriously, though, I would like to know why this (insert appropriate noun here) suggests that people are more likely to think of a red hammer. Because I would suspect that a hammer is most likely to be the first tool thought of by anyone who doesn't work with tools regularly, and red is a very obvious color. Was there really something about the numbers that was supposed to suggest those two words?

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