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Re: Reader's Poll--French Dressing?
Posted By: Faux_Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 12:28:53
In Reply To: Reader's Poll--French Dressing? posted by Shandar on Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 12:06:05:

> Come on, people! French is beating Ranch in the Reader's poll? I am quite ashamed. However, it is early in the poll. My only hope is that people with good taste will triumph over the evil that is French Dressing.
> Shan-I didn't vote for Ranch, but I CERTAINLY didn't vote for French-dar

If we're talking about the evil that is that creamy French, then by all means, To Arms! However, if you're talking about what is sometimes termed "Catalina" dressing, I'll have to ask you to step outside.

-Faux "en garde!" Pas

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