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Re: Yahoo!
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Monday, May 15, 2000, at 15:15:39
In Reply To: Re: Yahoo! posted by Dave on Saturday, May 13, 2000, at 21:02:53:

> > Brace yourself. BAM was mentioned in this
> >month's Yahoo! Internet Life in the "Cut and
> >Paste" section.
> >
> Ah. I was just wondering the other day why the heck I had suddenly seen a huge increase in the number of BAM related emails I get every day (I generally average zero a day

Since you and Sam list so many books on BAM (and it gets mentioned about as often as The Dialectizer in print), have you thought of jumping on the old or affiliates program bandwagon?

-Faux "just curious" Pas

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