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Re: A Problem
Posted By: Anonymous, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 20:08:21
In Reply To: A Problem posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 20:34:48:

Hello again. I was surprised at, and grateful for, all of the responses my post. I didn't really make it in expectation of any solutions, but more to admit to myself that I have a problem, as well as to see what others would think of my situation. Though I was worried, I didn't trust myself enough try to judge on my own whether or not what was happening to me was serious enough to seek attention, or whether it was simply a normal part of growing older. It's difficult for me to even imagine telling someone I know about it, and the area in which I live isn't exactly brimming with professionals, at least not those which aren't known by the entire community. Your answers and stories showed me that I may have a reasonable cause for concern, however, and I will try to find someone to talk to about this face-to-face and try to straighten things out a bit, now. Thank you for your time, concern, sharing, and, well... just thanks.


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