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Re: think of it this way. . . .
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, May 15, 2000, at 13:53:34
In Reply To: think of it this way. . . . posted by shadowfax on Thursday, May 11, 2000, at 22:04:43:

> You wouldn't be ashamed to go to a doctor to get medicine for the flu or asthma would you? It's the same thing with psychological difficulties. There is no shame in seeking help for them, despite the fact that some people think there is.

Sam may want to delete this if it sounds too personal, but I want to give you some encouragement about going to doctors.

I was recently examined for some problems that could have been very serious, but turned out to be easily treated or so minor as to not need treatment. The examinations were serious enough.
Unfortunately, the problems I had were such that they could best be evaluated from below. I was checked out by four doctors (two men, two women)and a large number of other health care professionals (all women). I've always been a little on the shy side, so the prospects of having my rear on public view so often did not appeal to me in the least. However, after a while, it got to be less and less of a deal. My experience with doctors is that worrying about it is the worst part. I really worried about being put to sleep (twice!)because I had never experienced that. It was no big deal. I went to sleep rather suddenly and later I woke up. Nothing else. I've always hated needles, but after a while, even that is a big nothing. I also had fears about radiation. In addition to Xrays, I had to take a radioactive pill to check my thyroid(negative) and a couple of radioactive injections to check my heart. Needless to say, my hair didn't fall out and I had no ill effects. It turns out that my 66-year-old heart is a dandy and should last another 50 years.
I'm glad it's over, but I won't dread it so much the next time.