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Re: YO no soy un numero, soy un hombre libre!
Posted By: Fawcett, on host
Date: Saturday, November 6, 1999, at 15:53:29
In Reply To: Re: YO no soy un numero, soy un hombre libre! posted by Zarkon on Friday, November 5, 1999, at 10:36:01:

Rover was this balloon-looking white ball thing, that also resembled the interior of a lava lamp. When someone tried to escape, it was one of the methods used to track them down (it would absorb the person, a process which appeared intensely painful, and then spit them out back at the main HQ).

Oh, so THAT'S what happened to them. I thought they died of suffocation or something. I was just a young'un when I saw it, so I didn't really understand it.

Faw"The lighthouse IS the rocket!"cett