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MR: Weapon Question (Possible Spoiler)
Posted By: Apocalypto, on host
Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2006, at 14:36:03

I have a level 17 rogue. I named him Rogue because I'm very creative. Here's his stats/equipment:

STR 19
VIS 25 (23)
AGI 35 (30)
DEX 30
VIT 13
IQ 19 (17)
WIS 14
CHA 16

FR 10
CR 6
PR 7 (4)

AC 24
SPD 11 (5)

Shield +4
Gloves of Speed +2
Light Armor
The Two Extra-Special Rogue Equipment Items

The question I have is about weapons. I have 3 options for weapons in my possession, and I don't know which of the three is going to give me the statistical advantage against my opponents.

- Flamberge: Only has a WC of 4, but a 15% critical damage chance. (Currently being used)
- Short Sword +2: WC of 7, No bonuses or penalties.
- Flail +2: WC of 9, but has a negative impact on speed, reducing it to (a still very respectable) 10.

I can pretty much walk through Level 7. I'm currently taking my chances doing Level 8 pool runs.

Which of the 3 weapons best suits my needs?

(Other party members: Level 14 Knight / Wizard / Sorcerer / Druid, Level 13 Assassin)

Thanks in advance.


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