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Re: two bits
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2006, at 15:46:38
In Reply To: two bits posted by Howard on Saturday, September 9, 2006, at 12:37:27:

> Like so many other people, I have a collection of state quarters. In a hundred years or so, they might be worth 35 cents, so I guess people collect them just for the fun of it.
> I have 37, so far. Texas and the Dakotas are the only ones that I don't have, that have already been released. I don't go searching, I just check my change from time to time.

I guess I'm one up on you, as I do have Texas. I collect mine on one of those colored cardboard maps.

> I wonder if we need a reader poll question about state quarters? Some are fantastic, and others are ho-hum, but most are in between. A lot of people have favorites. It might depend on where you live, or where you were born, but Tennessee and Kentucky are not my favorites, so maybe that isn't important.

That's true. Florida's is okay, but not among my favorites, while Pennsylvania has a figure that looks too much like it's depicting a goddess for me to enjoy.

So far, out of 38, 12 quarters incorporate their state's shape into the design. I didn't count Louisiana because it takes the whole territory. I can only imagine from reading the archive "Affairs of State" why Virginia didn't do that. :) (That, and the settling of Jamestown.)

Now, I like Alabama's coin. It has actual Braille on it! I doubt a blind person could read it at this size, but still. Nebraska's brings back memories of the old Apple ][c & ][e game, The Oregon Trail.

A while back, a man named Lore Sjöberg of the Book of Ratings did a series of ratings on the state quarters. Unfortunately, he stopped at 2003. Almost undoubtedly, he would have noted the crpse of Pac-Man on Wisconsin's quarter, the shields up around Texas (okay, so that's cheese and rope, respectively), or the space shuttle about to land on the sailing ship below, just off Florida's coast. But this is Lore we're talking about.

Should you (anyone) choose to venture onto his site, I must give a content warning. It's not so bad that I can't stand to go back there for the actual humor, but still, I could do with it being for subdued, y'know? (And if you bookmark it for the future, especially in case he ever updates again, bookmark the Archive. Not all ratings are of Porn Titles Someone Posted To Usenet, but there was a three-part series a while back, and you might not want that on your screen when someone walks through the door.


Link: Book of Ratings Archive

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