Re: Please Help with the Artist and the Kid!!!!!
everandever, on host
Saturday, July 22, 2006, at 22:03:23
Re: Please Help with the Artist and the Kid!!!!! posted by stoofyburgers on Thursday, July 20, 2006, at 00:10:36:
> oop! I figured out the artist! > now I just need help transporting the kid > any clarification on how to annoy the biologists?
anything lying around the hallways thats useful for transportation needs? you'll need to clear a path through one or two places before you have somewhere to take him though.
check your options in the bio lab to go near the teacher with a class...i forget the trigger for the second annoy/remove the doctor you'll need to fully complete mrs lauriente's quest (whatever her name is).
~ever'its wheel-ly obvious once you find it'andever~
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