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Re: research
Posted By: Vida, on host
Date: Friday, July 21, 2006, at 15:09:23
In Reply To: Re: research posted by Liface on Friday, July 21, 2006, at 12:41:42:

> > Well, I guess stem cell research took a beating. The president slapped a veto on the bill that Congress passed. I'd be interested in hearing some opinions on that one.
> > Howard
> Only an idiot would be against stem cell research. In fact, even 73% of CHRISTIANS support it (

There are three different stem cell types: adult (from undifferentiated cells in the body), embryonic, and cord blood (from the placenta and umbilical cord). Blanketing these all under the term "stem cell research" is a bit misleading. It's a bit like putting cold-blooded murder, killing in self-defense and manslaughter under the term "murder" and taking a poll on who is against murder.

Last I knew, all successes have come from non-embryonic sources. Whether you believe destroying an embryo is ethical or not, why push the issue when there are alternatives? Why destroy embryos that may or may not be human beings when the more promising developments have already come from other sources?

This is something that has baffled me from the start. Anyone care to answer?

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