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Re: Unpatriotic Draftdodgers
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, July 16, 2006, at 20:01:46
In Reply To: Re: Unpatriotic Draftdodgers posted by Stephen on Sunday, July 16, 2006, at 11:05:09:

> >I'm afraid it's hopeless in that part of the world. The people there are descended from poor, nothing-to-lose, desert tribes who have been fighting and killing each other for centuries. In the 20th century, it was found that they were sitting on unlimited wealth in the form of petroleum. But nothing changed, except that they could afford better weapons. Money does not create civilation.
> >
> > You mentioned Japan. I'm afraid that is an isolated success. We can't take all the credit for that. The Japanese learn from their mistakes. I don't thank that happens in the Middle East.
> > Howard
> It's nice to see the old imperial attitudes never change. "Oh, those brown people just can't handle our enlightenend forms of government."
> Give me a break. At one point this argument has been used as a rationale to oppress just about every race and culture in the world. Frankly, I'd expect better from you, Howard, than this old racist claptrap.
> Stephen

I don't think I mentioned brown people. I have relatives who are as brown as they are. Could they handle our form of government? Do they really want to?

If you think I am racist, you don't know me very well. Yes, I know you didn't exactly say that.

I was not expressing an opinion as much as reporting what I have observed. If they want to stop killing each other, why don't they stop?

It worries me that we are organizing police and military organizations over there, and we are giving them weapons, and teaching them to fight.
Can you understand why? Please, no claptrap.

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