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Re: Dah! Daaaaaaaaaggghhh!
Posted By: Henry, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2006, at 00:59:57
In Reply To: Dah! Daaaaaaaaaggghhh! posted by Rifty on Monday, July 3, 2006, at 22:29:24:


(Even more than in the original post, I should add.)

> That, and when Lex Luthor left the bloody boat in the first place, he left the crystals there. They were sitting ON THE TABLE. Lois told her kid not to touch one, just before she told him to go play the piano, which was after Lex had left.
> Luthor never came back, so where the blue flipping blazes did the crystals come from? Foul foul foul.

Lois tells Jimmy to go play the piano. Shortly after, Jimmy shoves said piano into thug guy. Shortly after, other thugs report to Lex that unfortunate thug is now under said piano. So this part happens before Lex leaves.

Although during the boat sinking sequence I was thinking, "wait, aren't the crystals still on board?" when Lex revealed he still had them, my first reaction wasn't "plot hole", it was "oh, I guess it makes perfect sense that Lex, who has thugs he can delicate work to and isn't stupid, would have either gone to get the crystals himself from the piano room where Lois and the kid no longer are before leaving, or told one of his thugs to".

I *was* slightly miffed that the giant city of kryptocrystal was diluted enough to not cause as much harm to Superman as expected. But the question I had on my mind coming into the movie wasn't about what sort of action sequences would we get to see, but more of what sort of story you tell about a ridiculously overpowered character. (I'm not too familiar with Superman, for clarification.) Although the plot itself wasn't exactly beefy, there's still this lingering affect I have that I can't quite put my finger on, but I like it.

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