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Thank-you Speech to RinkWorks!
Posted By: zK, on host
Date: Saturday, June 17, 2006, at 09:54:36

My history here at RinkWorks was one of awesomeness. I have yet to find a site I would like to spend more time on. I love all the stuff to do here, and I deeply care about all the Rinkies who surf here with me. I'd hate to think of myself as a person who never knew about RinkWorks, it seems I've known this site forever. But that almost never came to pass...

It all started about five and-a-half years ago, when I was in fourth grade. My teacher, Mrs. Smillie, began reading excerpts from the Groaners section in Brain Food, and enjoying watching our little heads explode from trying to figure out the answers. I did get a few, though. Hehe, I was the only one. Anyway, I took a liking to these mind puzzles, and I asked Mrs. Smillie where she found them. This was unusual for me, since I was so shy at the time. So, she wrote the URL down on a little ripped-off piece of notebook paper, and I put it in my pocket. I still have no idea how I managed not to lose it or forget about it, but I'm thankful I didn't. After a month or two, I had read almost all the articles on this site.

Then, I discovered RinkChat. I don't remember much from then, but it's probably safe to say that I made a fool of myself more than once. Seems I've matured for the most part now, but I think that's open to debate. ;-)

Now, I chat there as often as I can, and I am so grateful to have friends like you guys. You've really made my days better both in the good times and bad.


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