Re: Stuck in FQ2
gq187, on host
Monday, June 5, 2006, at 15:09:25
Re: Stuck in FQ2 posted by mandichaos on Monday, June 5, 2006, at 13:43:23:
> > Inventory: > > 2 Tree Branches > > Small Silver Coin > > Nail > > Sap Tap > > Pliers > > Sack > > Silver Key > > Float Ring > > Bucket of Sea Water > > Iron Support > > > > Can't heal the Indian yet, can't get passed the ROC other than escaping it, can't get passed the cyclops. Been going in circles for a while now. Already given the soothsayer like 5-6 gold coins (know there are others to find). What am I missing? > > You cannot heal the Indian. Some skittish magical creatures nearby may not like humans, but they will make an exception at the sight of a wounded man. > > Cyclops and Roc: You can't deal with these til you've re-defeated a certain distorted garden feline. If you can't get into the garden yet, go search south of the Indian; people tend to lose spare change down by the riverbank. > > -Mandi aka Chaos
gq187= Thx mandi. got all of the above done, and am now further on into the game.
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