Of Desperation and Shamelessness
Sara, on host
Friday, May 19, 2006, at 01:14:14
Ok... so I'm officially working up the nerve to post this. And if it gets trashed (one way or another) -- cool, I suppose. Just please don't hate me for, um, begging.
Most of y'all know that I am attempting to go to China this summer, to teach a classroom of highschoolers Conversational English. This is all well and good, but aside from being exceedingly excited, I am also exceedingly desperate.
Our (my teammates and mine) funding for the whole shebang is supposed to come from a combination of self-funding and, mostly, supporter-funding. While I can deal with the single-digit-bank-balance right now, I can't come up with enough to meet this month's Big Trip Deadline. Your's Truly suxx0rs at that supporter thing -- and is likewise hurting something horrible, at this very exact second.
So anyhow. Being a dork who doesn't want to make phone calls or speeches, I threw together a site with info and a Paypal button, in the hopes of being able to garner a dollar or two here or there. If you have a nickel to spare, or know someone who does, I promise to love you forever.
Or until Rinkworks asplodes.
((And thanks, guys, for putting up with this crazy person. I lessthanthree you all.))
plz hlp, kthxbye