Re: Music and Moods
LaZorra, on host
Saturday, May 13, 2006, at 15:23:36
Music and Moods posted by Sam on Friday, May 12, 2006, at 21:40:15:
> How much do your musical tastes of the moment fluctuate with your mood?
When I'm late somewhere, or if I'm in a good mood, I like to crank up some fast country and roll my window down.
When I'm tired, I like slower country. Since I am perpetually in this state, I think this is why I like Alan Jackson so much (although "Where I Come From" fits in the category above).
When I'm stressed or preoccupied, I like classical turned just above "audible."
When I'm really happy or really stressed, I'll stick in a yodelling tape -- sort of like melodic scream therapy for the latter condition and just plain fun otherwise.
When I'm driving through the country, swept away by how beautiful it is (YES, we DO have green stuff here this time of year!!), I like cowboy music, because nature is what it celebrates.
When I'm at home trying to unwind, I like to attempt to create my own music (note "attempt" as the operative word in this sentence).
La"You asked"Zorra