Re: I wish I grew up in the 70s & 80s...
LaZorra, on host
Thursday, May 11, 2006, at 15:14:15
I wish I grew up in the 70s & 80s... posted by zK on Thursday, May 11, 2006, at 06:57:50:
> I always thought life was better then, somehow, simpler.
I think everyone looks this way on years that were before his time.
>No internet, rock music ran rampant, and Emo people didn't exist!!!!
Don't forget the horrible avocado and harvest gold color schemes that now seem to be back in style.
>There is so much junk nowadays that I can seriously live without, such as iPods, cell phones, and bad rap music.
I do think people complicate their lives unnecessarily with gadgets. I mean, how many folks *really need* a Blackberry with Bluetooth? That said, I love my cell phone. ;-) And I'm not sure how carrying an MP3 player around is any different than carrying a Walkman or boom box around, except that it's more conveinent.
>I can't recall a single song from the 70s in which a hoe was shot dead on the street.
No, but the 70's had disco, which makes up for it. ;-) Seriously, though, a lot of so-called music today is hideous. I will never understand why people find it necessary to listen to pounding drums and screaming "singers" at top volume. Where's the artistry in that?
La"Someday, I will mount speakers on top of my car to blast the sources of such floorboard-shaking 'music' with my yodeling CD's. Revenge is mine"Zorra