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Re: Why I hate employment agencies
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, May 7, 2006, at 19:37:54
In Reply To: Re: Why I hate employment agencies posted by Lynn on Saturday, May 6, 2006, at 22:52:06:

Stick with city or state agencies. Those privately owned agencies are in it for the money. Better yet, write up a resume' and start pounding the pavement.

Check your local library. They have information on just about everything. You would be surprised at the little things that can keep you from getting a job. All you have to do is find it and fix it. It could be as simple as wearing the wrong outfit. Or an incorrectly worded answer to a question.

I never had any luck looking for a job, but several good ones have fallen into my lap. If you have a friend or someone in your family with clout, don't hesitate to use it.

Sometimes you have to take a nothing job and work up from there. I know a guy who started out sweeping the floor and in a very few years he was upper management. Another one started out driving a truck part time for a soft-drink company. They found out he was a smart country boy who wasn't afraid of work. Now he is THE boss making many times more than he did teaching school.

Avoid fast food jobs. Usually the pay is low and there is nowhere to go but nowhere.

If you can't get a job in your field try to get something close to it. Office jobs are close to management.

Strange as it may seem, they are more likely to hire someone who has a job and wants to move up, rather than someone who is not working at all.

But you may not want to take advice from me. I'm unemployeed.

> They only want to add your name to their databases. Living in a city where there are more jobs than people, why can't they find anything?
> I had one "placing consultant" tell me that wherever you apply on your own, give me the name of that company and I will get the contract for you. Meaning I go out and job hunt and she gets the credit. No way am I going to pay someone to do NOTHING and I'm the one that got it on my own!
> I'm registered with 15 agencies and not one of them has anything. I've been looking for 2 weeks and the interviews I went for were ones I applied to directly. Either by searching the web by their names or on or That's where the agencies are getting their jobs now. They aren't looking around. I can't see how any of them stay in business if they aren't scouting.
> I hate agencies!!!!
> > Man, I hear ya! I HATE employment agencies!
> >
> > Last year I was out of work for 1.5 months and was registered at 6 different employment agencies. Each rushed me into their offices and ran me ragged with all their little "requirements" (typing tests and the like) then said "Oh, that salary?? Pshaw! Not a problem! We can get you twice that!" - - yeah, never heard from ANY of them again.
> >
> > When I finally did get a job (on my own I might add) I sent a letter to all of them and thanked them for nothing.
> >
> > I no longer apply to jobs that are listed with an agency. I don't care HOW good the job sounds or how perfect it would be for me or I for it.
> >
> > I'm not really sure how it saves the employer so much hassle anyway. They STILL have to meet with me before I get hired. What? They don't have to sift through the resumes? Have a secretary do it like everything else! LOL
> >
> > I think the only thing employment agencies are getting employers are people who are so desparate for a job they will do anything for it. Well, that ain't me pal! LOL

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