Re: saint mary's- stuck
mandichaos, on host
Monday, April 10, 2006, at 08:43:49
Re: saint mary's- stuck posted by urgal101 on Sunday, April 9, 2006, at 17:44:30:
> > i cant figure out what to do in st mary's > > > > > > Invantory > > Blue Paint > > Chalk > > Glasses > > Mirror > > Syringe > > > > Bottle > > Demerit > > Glue Stick > > Mop-Head > > Wire > > > > Bottle Cap > > Disk with Virus > > Grass > > Slip of Paper > > Wrench > > > > Chain > > Eraser > > Lighter > > Soldering Iron > > > > > > > > > > > > + i have the kid and cart...the permi-tie is on the kid. > > Quests:Your ultimate goal for the day is to get out of school. Before you do, however, you're looking to get your bag out from the classroom where you left it. > > > > That is, however, not the only thing going on in school today. > > > > "Agent" Laurente now has asked you to search the school for some evidence of aliens. > > > > There's a major fight going on between two English teachers on the girls' side, and you've got to find someone to help you stop it before the teachers kill each other! > > > > You've uncovered a major power struggle in the Chemistry Department, where Mrs. Desai is brewing a ------- to give her full control of the lab. She's asked you to get for her gold, methanoic acid, and nitrochalk. > > > > The teachers in the physics lab have built a time machine, and they want you to go back in time to get some "dead organic matter." All you've really learned so far is that they definitely do not want leaves. > > > > You've run into an art student who's convinced she's the only artist in the school. She's looking for another artist -- someone who looks, sounds, and even smells like an artist. > > > > Hungry Mrs. Awatif is looking for something wriggly to eat and wants you to help her out. > > > > Mr. Anand over at the computer lab is having trouble with a game and is looking for your help. > > Please help me! > im begging you
You know, I was going to when I got home and had five minutes on the computer last night, but I saw you'd replied to yourself and went, "Oh, okay, that means the problem's taken care of."
That's how double posting can backfire...
Kid: You can't do anything with him until you clear out the chem lab (by solving the chem task) or the bio lab (by telling Mrs. L about the evidence and stopping her psychosis). Leave him by the classroom for now, he's not going anywhere.
Mrs. L: I just told you where you can find evidence, actually - you can't bring her anything, but you can tell her about it. Assuming Letha Cherian's finally gone away, of course.
Artist: You can make an artist. You've got the "hair," you can make the funky shades with what you've got, you can get him to go work up a sweat, and you can make a beard now. That antisocial jerk by the Main Gate's got to be good for SOMETHING...
-Mandi aka Chaos