Need a nudge in the right direction for ESM
Roseanne, on host
Saturday, January 14, 2006, at 12:44:56
I have:
Beaker Blue Paint Bottle Cap Chain Chalk Chart Disk with Virus Eraser Glue Stick Mirror Perma-Tie Scalpel Soldering Iron Spool of Film Syringe (filled with isotonic solution) Wire Wrench Cart (left somewhere) Kid (left somewhere)
I've completed the artist quest and quieted the Sr 1C kids down, but I don't see any use for the kid yet.
As for the chemistry reagants, I found out how to get the gold and acid, but I'm stumped on how to get the fertilizer bag; even with the soldering iron and wrench tied to the chain, I can't reach it. I've got the tooth marks for Mrs. Laurente, but I suspect that I haven't got the equipment to get Mr. Martin's fingerprints yet.
Furthermore, Mr. Ananad's game seems to be unsolvable to me. I've got rid of the website team, but I haven't seen how that's changed anything so far.
As for the time machine, I now know "No leaves." I'm guessing that I need to slash the vending machine with the scalpel, but I need something to sharpen it first.
What should I do next? No spoilers please -- I'm proud of myself that I got this far without any help, and I'd like to gain the most pleasure from figuring most of the stuff myself. Just a nudge in the right direction, please.
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