Re: Artist in ESM
Bomber, on host
Saturday, January 14, 2006, at 02:24:19
Artist in ESM posted by gwen on Friday, January 13, 2006, at 23:28:44:
> I've got him the mop-head, the sunnies and the smell too, but he still won't GO and be an artist!!! > > What else do I need to do with him? > > And the website team won't let me near them anymore once I started the virus thing. > Inventory: > Blue Paint > Chalk > Glue Stick > Soldering Iron > > Bottle > Cheese > Grass > Syringe > > Bottle Cap > Coffee Filter > Lighter > Wire > > Chain > Eraser > Mirror > Wrench > > I've subdued Sr.1C though. and ripped the vending machine with the scalpel but I can't retrieve the juice for fear of cutting my hands. > > Thanks
Who on earth would want a loner for an artist?
It's people like that who just make we want to...go climb a tree!
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