aolfreak123, on host
Thursday, January 12, 2006, at 00:53:14
ESM posted by Msmills Stuck again doggone it! on Wednesday, January 11, 2006, at 23:13:26:
> I have beaker,blue paint,bottle cap,chain,chalk,coffee flter,disk with virus,eraser,glue stick,leaf ,lighter,mirror,perma tie,scapel,smock,soldering iron I have finally put the kids to sleep,and am also looking for aliens. dont know what to do with the beaker(can't figure how to get the ants out)Can someone give me a hint what to do next.I seemed to have come to an impasse.
Try using the smock somewhere where it would cause a disruption.
For the beaker... try exploring more in the area where you found it and see what you can do with it.
For the aliens, try exploring somewhere where there might be odd things on display. If someone is stopping you from seeing them, explore the room some more and see what happens.
See what you can do with that Perma-Tie. The game won't let YOU wear it, so who can (and will)?