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Mary's Fertilizer
Posted By: Rifty, on host
Date: Thursday, December 15, 2005, at 16:46:57

I know I need it, and I know where it is, and I can't get it, cause
my aim sucks.

so, here's my question. I have two things left in my recap.

The first is the voodoo thing. I have the gold and the acid. No
problem there.

The second is Mr Anand and the adventure game, which I
understand how to solve, but can't go about doing it.

So, two things...

1. Hints to lead me to getting the fertilizer would be great.
2. Hints to getting the file would be great.

If I had to take a guess, I'd say that I need to use the drops with
the filekeeper, kinda the same way I did to get the screwdriver,
but she doesn't want anything into which I can slip them.

Also, I've tried using the chain/wrench/soldering iron in various
combinations with no dice.

Any help here would be great. Thanks!

Though Rinkforum syndrome is gonna go set in, and as soon as
I go back to the game, I'll figure it out.

Thanks in advance!

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