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A List of Random Questions to Ponder and Discuss
Posted By: Gahalyn, on host
Date: Friday, July 22, 2005, at 03:03:15

How much better would our lives be if we could figure out what we wanted - what we really, truly wanted deep down more than anything - and if that matched exactly what we needed?

What if we felt truly free to spend time and energy gaining what we need rather than spend it at the office?

Why are there people in the world who still have to struggle to feed their children?

Why do Americans have more choices in grocery store products than some people would ever even come close to imagining?

Why is there such a great human drive to be not alone in our struggles, our hopes, our quirks?

For every television show created, is there at least one person in the world who has watched every episode of it?

How come the TV lineups for this fall seem to be all about scaring viewers half to death?

Do people realize that becoming accustomed to violence didn't start with video games, movies, television, or rap music and that responsibility often lies with more than one entity?

If we had never invented a way to record images, would we have gladiator games like the ancient Romans did?

What, exactly, happened to modern health care?

Will Google take over the world?

If a young child's imaginary friends considered normal, and he doesn't lose that imagination when he gets older, should he be made fun of for being involved in RPGs?

Why do we slowly kill ourselves with chemicals and stress?

If a butterfly had flapped its wings the moment you were born, would you have become more like the person that you pitied or scorned or dispised today?

Can you spare some change? Can you make some?

What would happen if you died today?

With technology connecting us every minute and making our daily tasks faster, with all our modern toys and tools we can't live without, why aren't we really living? Is carpe diem a philosophy that works if we're striving for the wrong things?

Ga"When I was writing this, how did it get so darn philosophical seemingly all on its own?"halyn

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