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Re: Quest of Kael
Posted By: Crystal109, on host
Date: Saturday, February 5, 2005, at 22:59:52
In Reply To: Quest of Kael posted by RiftTraveler on Saturday, February 5, 2005, at 22:29:47:

> So, I've got the Blue Jewel. No idea where the Evil Wizard is. I've
> gone to the mansion, but I can't get back through the fire wall
> anymore. I suspect it's got something to do with the Orc, but I
> can't get to him, and I know AGL won't let you get the game into
> an unwinnable sitauation, so there's something I'm missing.
> Any clonks to the noggin would be appreciated.
> Thanx!
> -Rift "where oh where" Traveler

Yeah, I was confused about there before. But I managed to find where to go. Remember someplace near the beginning (I think it's the beginning...) where you would somehow end up in a cave? Well, try there again, and you should be back in the mansion.

~Crystal "hope that helped but didn't give away too much" 109

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