Re: How do you defeat the poker cheat?
lindalloo, on host
Monday, January 24, 2005, at 00:43:20
How do you defeat the poker cheat? posted by Roseanne on Sunday, January 23, 2005, at 18:35:01:
> > In the "Outlaws" game, I've successfully progressed to the point where I'm on the floor with the poker cheat, but I'm stuck there. I think there's a specific sequence I need to do, and I also think that elbowing him in the ribs and biting his hand are the first steps. I can't seem to do anything else, though. I've gotten the spittoon, but I can't seem to hit him with it, and no matter what I do, I can't roll over. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
there is a specific that you have the spittoon, you need to start over again, from the top. write down each step that advances you further. once you make a move that takes you back to original position, mark it off. start all over again, following the steps that have already worked. when you get to the "iffy" move, try a different one. it's just a back & forth kinda thing... trial & error ? for myself, if I don't write the moves down, I forget which ones I've already tried. Good Luck !!