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MR--Straight Question/Spoil Me Please!!!
Posted By: Banan, on host
Date: Friday, April 2, 2004, at 17:28:50

Went thru 2 stages, 1) FRUSTRATION. 2) Bewilderment and now am into the 3rd one. Namely boredom to the point of exasperation. Now I'm asking this straight out and am not fussy about whether or not it's a total spoiler. Where on the game do I look and have any chance of finding the 'pass gem'? I've scoured level 1 and level 2 and been into every single square I could access on the upper right hand part of level 3. Still can't get it and need it to get onto that stinking elevator. Short of leveling all 5 characters up to the 40's by killing easy prey for the 11 points to 1045 points available for killing everything in the areas on levels 1, 2 and the tad on 3 for several months more until someone can teleport, can't think what else to do. NOT WILLING TO GO THAT ROUTE. Please help before I do something drastic like toss a grenade at the screen. (kidding, maybe???) Seriously, please help. At least tell me what level to look again on. Thanks in advance. Banan

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