Re: FQ Drake
mandichaos, on host
Monday, April 14, 2003, at 04:54:46
FQ Drake posted by bthyme on Sunday, April 13, 2003, at 20:36:57:
> Again thank you to everyone who helped me get unstuck. > Sadly I'm stuck again. This time not so prettily. I'm fighting a drake, and I should have shreded his wings and leg to pieces by now but he still refuses to die. Am I missing something? > > > 2 Gold Coins > Silver Key > Bucket of Sea Water > Pliers > > 20 Onions > Crown of Destiny > Cross > Iron Support > > Sack > Float Ring > Fishing Net > Sword > > Small Silver Coin > Sap Tap > Coconut > Sunstone > > Or is there a special sequence I should try to follow? I've injured both of his wings and tried to kill him then but that didn't work. > > Thanks beforehand.
He's not as bad as GOA's dragon. Try attacking him from a different direction.
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