Re: Story Hunt Duke of Big chapter 6
me, on host
Sunday, March 2, 2003, at 19:52:38
Re: Story Hunt Duke of Big chapter 6 posted by me on Sunday, March 2, 2003, at 19:46:50:
> > > > > > > Obviously, i need to identify the huge calamity, but the only one i can find the first year (1998) is the problem with the dialectizer. However thedialectizer.shtml and dialectizer.shtml dont work. what am i missing? > > > > > > > > > > > > Look for a feature which contains a "library of recordings", with dates given. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Sigh.. I checked the main message forum too if thats what youre talking about, also the site journal and the timeline > > > > > > > > Well, you're on the right track, but none of those will do. Another clue given that might be helpful is "meeting house" (i.e., where people might meet). > > > > > > Argh.. I cant believe i missed that. i was reading the "transcripts" while i was thinking about this. :D > > > > I am so very very very stuck on Chapter 6 here... even from the above messages, all I can think of is the RinkChat, and any combination of "rinkchat", "chatroom", "chatarchives", even "messageboard", "messagearchives", or even plain "archives" got me nowhere... :( > > > > Can someone please give me a big SHOVE in the right direction? > > Thanks in advance... ^_^ > > Well, if I remember correctly from when I did this one a while back, its in the archives for rinkchat. But you can't access the archives anymore (or at least I couldn't) so I don't know where you'd find the answer.
I was reading this hint, and I thought it might help. It helped me.
The Great Ginger Ale Tragedy