Re: MR: Stat points
commie_bat, on host
Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 00:57:44
Re: MR: Stat points posted by Joona I Palaste on Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 22:48:43:
> > While playing MR with a couple of assassins (levels 42 and 37 now), I'm finding that, though their stats are all maxxed out at 30, but still I get some extra points (1 or 2) each level. Is there anything I can do with them? I'd like to boost speed, or agility beyond 30. > > The only use extra stats points have is replenishing your Vitality if the RESURRECT spell depletes it. Other than that, they're worthless.
Of course, if you want to tweak a little extra speed or agility out of your character you can always find some Items of Extra-Specialness to equip.
I actually have a (retired) character with a base speed of 11, from before there was a limit of 10. I don't think he'll be coming out of retirement anytime soon, though, as he is stupendously wealthy.
^v^:)^v^ FB
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